How To Stop Nails From Peeling And Chipping

Photo of person with hand on white foam by cottonbro from Pexels

Photo of person with hand on white foam by cottonbro from Pexels

Updated 2024.07.16. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Lots of Lacquer and its partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Nails peel and chip usually when they are undernourished or taking on too much damage from the environment. It can be a result of harsh products or even something as simple as under moisturizing the nail bed.

You can restore your nails to a healthy and strong state, as no matter what happens, your nails grow back and, with each new bit of length, you are given a chance to start over with a clean slate.

Below are a few ways to fix peeling and chipping nails from now into the future. You can employ any of these techniques if you notice your nails getting softer or more brittle than you like.

How to fix peeling, chipping nails:

Photo of person with hand on white foam by cottonbro from Pexels with text How To Stop Nails From Peeling And Chipping

Photo of person with hand on white foam by cottonbro from Pexels with text How To Stop Nails From Peeling And Chipping

1 - Buff out any peeling or chipping areas with a buffing block

Buffing prevents snags, rips and breaks from going any further. It can smooth out any chips or peels, which will stop it from spreading to more of your nail bed.

Use one like this 4-Way Mini Nail Buffer Block in one direction on your nail bed until the top of the nail is smooth. If only one part of your nail is peeling or chipped, buff only that part and a little over it.

2 - Apply a treatment

This step seals peeling, chipping nails and stops it in its tracks. 

One of the best treatments for peeling, chipping or weakened nails is using a base coat with strengthening, nourishing ingredients. Right now I like essie's strong start. Top with a color coat if you wish.

Keeping up with treatments, as preventative maintenance, such as doing a treatment on your nails once a month under your manicure, can stop peeling and chipping in the future.

3 - Go nourishing on the acetone

Switch to a nail polish remover that has nourishing ingredients as well as stripping ingredients. 

This strengthening remover from Cutex is great and it can add nutrients back to your manicure routine, increasing nail strength over time.

Cutex invented removers in 1928, so this is a trustworthy brand.

4 - Keep your nails covered

Whether you use gloves when you do chores, or always have a clear coat, strengthening treatment or polish on, keep your nails covered. 

Keeping your nails covered protects from the elements, especially in drier weather or when submerged in water, and will prevent the nails from drying out and chipping, or softening and peeling.

5 - Moisturize your cuticles and nails daily

Use a cuticle oil or hydrator like this one by Nailtopia every day on your cuticle bed and let it seep down onto your nails. When your nails are between polish coats, apply this oil over your entire nail and let it soak in before you start your manicure.

The more moisturized your nails are, the less likely they are to chip, or even peel. Oil helps your nails be more resistant to water damage. Water softens keratin, too.

Photo of hand on white foam with blue background by cottonbro from Pexels

Photo of hand on white foam with blue background by cottonbro from Pexels

These are just a few of the preventative steps you can take to fix nails that are currently peeling or chipping, and stop it from happening in the future.

Nails that are chipping and peeling are usually just telling you that they need more TLC - tender love and care, and the above tips are a few ways you can give them that, easily.

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Lots of Lacquer

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