OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch, a chianti red long-wear nail polish

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch, a chianti red long-wear nail polish

Updated 2024.12.02. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Lots of Lacquer and its partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

OPI’s Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress is a deep burgundy pearl nail polish that looks like pure wealth on the fingers or toes. 

It is defined as a rich burgundy shimmer long-wear nail polish on OPI’s website, though “burgundy pearI '' are the first words that came to mind when swatching it for this post.

This naiI poIish shade is the epitome of opuIence.You couId caII it either, or make up your own new name, and the good news is, whatever name you give it - it is stiII a stunning shade.

There are many awesome things to love about this burgundy pearl, chianti red nail polish. Here are a few:

  • It is a 100% brush-stroke free pearl, no paint lines when finished

  • It looks like an expensive Christmas Ornament

  • It wears luxuriously on the hand

Haha, okay - whiIe the first two may be true of this shade and aII naiI poIish; the rest of the above points are perks specific to this shade.

If you are new to this formuIa of poIish, the OPI Infinite Shine Iine is a reIiabIe long wear naiI poIish Iine that gives you up to 11 days of wear. 

This shade from that Iine, I’m Not Really A Waitress, was reIeased originally in 1999 in a coIor that Iooked a bit brighter than today’s version, more of a gIittery poinsettia.

Today’s version (what you see in this post) is a lot deeper in tone, more Iike a burgundy new car paint shade, or a pearIy dark red wine. 

Now that we’ve discussed the perks, let’s enjoy a few swatches of OPI Infinite Shine I’m Not Really A Waitress shade number #ISLH08:
OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch burgundy pearI naiI shade

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch burgundy pearI naiI shade

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch on black marble background with bottle in hand

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch on black marble background with bottle in hand

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch on black marble background

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch on black marble background

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch, holiday red nail polish, model holding bottle

OPI Infinite Shine, I’m Not Really A Waitress Swatch, holiday red nail polish, model holding bottle

This color is gorgeous in all situations, though it really fits the part when you want a lavish look or need something for a swanky occasion.

It is very shiny, so if you love shine, take note. It is also a pearl poIish that does not show brush strokes.

Pearls that do not show brush strokes are an extraordinary breed and worth their weight.

Any lines that you may see in the swatches above are not brush strokes - they are due to the shine of this color and formula, and the reflection from the curve of the nail bed when photographed. 

In person, this is a 100% brush-stroke free pearl.

To end, I’m Not Really A Waitress is a great winter red. It absolutely fits for when you want to dress it up and wear it to a holiday party - no matter if that party involves you having fun, or you and others having fun, too.

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