5 Tips for Growing Long, Strong Healthy Nails

Photo of person with long manicured nails holding a donut on pink background by Karley Saagi from Pexels

Photo of person with long manicured nails holding a donut on pink background by Karley Saagi from Pexels

Updated 2024.08.08. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Lots of Lacquer and its partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Nails are beautiful at any length. 

This post is about growing your nails to your dream length and how to get there.

First, a little praise for nails themselves. 

In addition to being something you can beautify and paint, they also serve an important purpose of protecting the nerves in the tips of your fingers and toes, so nails do deserve some respect in your life.

The minimum length for any nail is where each nail naturally separates from the nail bed.

Once you’ve reached your minimum natural nail length, which is where your nail’s job of protection ends, how long you grow your nails beyond that is usually entirely up to you.

It is true some jobs have requirements for you to have a specific nail length, but most jobs do not.

When you are employed somewhere or in a situation where nail length is not an issue, then consider yourself lucky to experience the taste of freedom that comes with choosing your optimal nail length.

Even if you think your nails are weak or have never maintained any length of nail beyond where they part from the nail bed, it is possible to grow your nails out and keep them long - whatever long means to you.

Below are a few ways to get some length, while cultivating strong and healthy nails -

Vertical photo of person with long red nails pressing on pink flower by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash

Vertical photo of person with long red nails pressing on pink flower by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash

1 - Keep your nails covered when completing chores involving water

Nails are made of keratin which softens in water. When the nail softens, it can peel or break more easily. While you are growing your nails out or wanting to keep length, avoid submerging them in water unnecessarily for long.

The easiest way to soften nails is through doing dishes without gloves, so consider wearing cleaning gloves if you wash dishes by hand.

2 - Use strengthening products

Strengthening acetones, base coats and supplements can and do work. Try adding one to your routine and see if it works for you. 

A treatment, such as ella + mila's First Aid Kiss or Orly's Nailtrition can transform weak nails into strong and long nails in a month.

3 - Care for your cuticles

The cuticle surrounding the top of the nail is the space where healthy nail growth begins. 

When you keep the cuticle intact and moisturized, it can promote a healthy nail overall, which encourages healthy growth.

4 - File your nails to size, and ditch the nail trimmer

Using a metal nail trimmer to cut your nails to size applies uneven pressure to the nail, which can create side tears and center tears when the nail cleaves as it is cut.

Rather than cutting your nails with a blunt force, try using a heavy duty nail file, meant for natural nails, for filing your nails to an even length as they grow. 

Filing in only one direction can promote a smooth finish, which prevents snags.

As your nails grow, they will all not necessarily grow at the same time. 

Filing down the tips as your nails grow can give you a uniform looking natural manicure, as much as trimming the nails can. 

5 - Always have your nails painted

Keeping nails coated can promote nail growth. 

Having pretty nails prevents the urge to pick at them, and it is also a visual reminder that your nails matter and deserve to be treated kindly. 

Just using a symbol such as paint can tell your brain to take care, which can alter how often your nails are bent and bumped throughout the course of the day.

Paint also covers any minor snags from further breakage. 

Photo of person with long, lavender nails holding cactus pop by Designecologist from Pexels

Photo of person with long, lavender nails holding cactus pop by Designecologist from Pexels

Overall, a routine for growing long, strong nails may sound like this:


Apply cuticle oil and keep your nails covered, using gloves when hands are submerged.

Every week:

Give yourself a basic manicure prep treatment using a file, to get the shape you want, avoid snags and maintain any existing growth. End with a nail strengthening treatment, like Orly's Nailtrition, then a coat of your favorite paint.

How long does it take to grow nails out?

While it all depends on your body, and your lifestyle, if you are growing your nails out, starting at the minimum length where the nail separates from the nail bed, following the tips above, you can expect to see around 1/4 inch of length from the tips of your nails in as little as 2-3 months, with noticeable visual change possible at around 2 weeks.

Slower growing nails often means thicker, sturdier growth.

So, if your nails are taking their time getting long, keep in mind that they may be heavier-duty in the end which means you’ll have fewer breaks in the future and you’ll be more likely to keep the growth you’ve gained.

Vertical photo of person with long red nails pressing on pink flower by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash with text overlay 5 Tips for Growing Long, Strong Healthy Nails

Vertical photo of person with long red nails pressing on pink flower by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash with text overlay 5 Tips for Growing Long, Strong Healthy Nails

To end, choose 1-3 of the above ideas to begin your journey to the nail length of your choice and dreams. 

Once you have reached your desired length, you will know.

The only question you may be asking yourself then is what nail shape is most attractive to you.

For a list of nail shape choices, check out this guide by Nail Pro.

When you arrive at this destination, the good news is that you don’t have to change much about your nail care routine from there, your length can be maintained using the steps above, too.

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Lots of Lacquer

Our purpose is to celebrate the joy of fresh nails. Our goal is to help you have fun and awesome nails at the same time.


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