Lots of Lacquer

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What Is “Floating On” Nail Polish?

Photo of pink clouds by Madison Inouye on Pexels

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Floating on nail polish is a nail polish application technique used to apply sheer polishes that have a tendency to show streaks.

When floating on nail polish, you use as little pressure as possible when applying the formula and hold the brush parallel to the nail as you paint on your polish.

You “float” the brush over the nail as you apply it.

The goal of floating on nail polish is to eliminate the potential drag marks in your finished manicure, which can appear when too much pressure is added, or when polish is applied with too steep of a brush angle.

Photo of pink and blue clouds by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels

How To Float On Your Nail Polish:

  1. Thoroughly shake or roll your bottle to mix the formula

  2. Get an ample amount of polish on your brush

  3. Hold the brush parallel to your nail bed

  4. Using feather-light pressure, gently touch the brush to the nail bed

  5. Dot a bead of polish at the top of the nail bed

  6. Gently pull the bead of polish down the nail bed

  7. Repeat on each side of the nail, dipping your brush back in your polish bottle as needed

Photo of pink and blue clouds by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels What Is “Floating On” Nail Polish?

To recap, the key points of the floating on technique are that:

  • Use pillow light pressure to apply your polish

  • Hold the brush like you are floating it over the nail to apply the polish

This technique is effective at reducing and even eliminating streaks in sheer polishes, even when performed on ridged nails.

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The one caveat with the floating on technique is that it can sometimes apply a thicker coat of polish, so to prevent bubbling, give your nail polish a slightly longer time to dry between coats.

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