OPI Sweet Heart Review

OPI Sweet Heart swatch

OPI Sweet Heart swatch

Updated 2024.07.16. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Lots of Lacquer and its partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Do you like semi-sheer peachy pink nails? Is Bubble Bath one of your favorite nail polish colors? If you answered yes to both, meet OPI Sweet Heart!

OPI Sweet Heart  #ISLS96 is a near-exact match to Bubble Bath that makes a great Bubble Bath alternative.

It is such a close color, just a touch pinker and offering a smidge more coverage than Bubble Bath.

On its own, Sweet Heart is a peachy pink medium coverage nail polish. Sweet Heart could also be described as a warm, light candy pink and it’s got a lovely easy to apply formula. 

To get an idea of how pretty OPI’s Sweet Heart is, below are a few swatches:
OPI Sweet Heart swatch

OPI Sweet Heart swatch

OPI Sweet Heart swatch

OPI Sweet Heart swatch

OPI Sweet Heart swatch

OPI Sweet Heart Infinite Shine swatch

OPI Sweet Heart Infinite Shine swatch

OPI Sweet Heart Infinite Shine swatch

All swatches shown above are under LED Daylighting and with an OPI base and top coat.

One of the best things about Sweet Heart, besides it being a pretty close match to Bubble Bath, is there are no special tricks or techniques you need to get it to lay right. 

You just need to apply it as usual and it’s beautiful. It’s a breeze to work with - there is no learning curve.

Overall, Sweet Heart offers an easy-to-apply warm pink wash to the nail that is a great color on its own or one to expand into if you already have and like Bubble Bath.

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Lots of Lacquer

Our purpose is to celebrate the joy of fresh nails. Our goal is to help you have fun and awesome nails at the same time.


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