OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny Mixed

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together in an Infinite Shine bottle

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together in an Infinite Shine bottle

Updated 2025.01.25. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Lots of Lacquer and its partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Can you mix OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny together? 

The answer is YES and below, you’ll learn how to mix these colors together to create a new formula, plus what it looks like when your newly minted formula is applied to the nail.

In our last article on this topic, OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny Combo, you layered these colors on top of each other for a combination manicure, using 2 coats of Bubble Bath with 1 coat of Funny Bunny and vice versa.

Taking things a step back, rather than combining the colors on the nail, let’s mix these two formulas together in one bottle. Then, apply that new formula to the nail.

How to mix the OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny formulas:

  1. Grab a spare nail polish bottle. You can use an empty nail polish bottle, or a half full bottle containing one of these colors. For example, you can add a half-full bottle of Bubble Bath to a half-full bottle of Funny Bunny.
  2. Pour ½ Bubble Bath and ½ Funny Bunny into the same bottle. The order of your pours does not matter and the 50/50 consistency doesn’t have to be scientifically exact, you can eyeball it. For example, if you're using a 15ml OPI bottle, do your best to create this formula: 7.5ml Bubble Bath + 7.5ml Funny Bunny.
  3. Close and shake the bottle to mix the two formulas thoroughly. Shake the bottle until you have a homogenous mixture with a consistent color throughout the bottle (no peach and white swirls!) You’re aiming for a finished color of a smooth, milky off-white with peach undertones.
  4. (Optional) Add 2-3 drops of OPI Nail Lacquer Thinner and shake some more. The thinner can smooth things out, which is helpful especially if you’re using half full bottles to blend. These have already been exposed to air and thickened a bit.

To recap: grab a spare nail polish bottle, pour your colors together with a 50/50 consistency, mix them up, and if you want, add a few drops of thinner to finish.


Your new nail polish, Bubble Bunny (lol), is now ready to use! 

Scroll for swatches of OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together:

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

This newest shade in your collection, Bubble Bunny, has a color that is a semi-sheer, milky off-white peach that offers even coverage in two coats.

The parent colors, Bubble Bath is a sheer peach polish and Funny Bunny is a sheer white polish. The peach is softer and the white is warmer in their baby shade, Bubble Bunny.

To create this look: 

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny mixed together

Get OPI Bubble Bath at Beyond Polish

Get OPI Funny Bunny at Beyond Polish

Get Empty Nail Polish Bottles on Amazon

All in all, when you mix OPI OPI Bubble Bath and Funny Bunny, it creates an effect that is the best of both worlds of these colors.

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