OPI Big Apple Red VS The Thrill of Brazil

OPI Big Apple Red bottle (L), OPI The Thrill of Brazil bottle (R)

Updated 2025.02.15. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Lots of Lacquer and its partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. 

Big Apple Red is one of our readers’ most loved red nail polishes.

The Thrill of Brazil is another OPI red nail polish that is very similar to Big Apple Red, but it has a few key differences.

Because these are both red nail colors from OPI and cream finish, they are commonly compared to each other, so today we’re going to show you the similarities and differences between Big Apple Red and The Thrill of Brazil.
To begin, you’ll see Big Apple Red swatches, followed by The Thrill of Brazil swatches, ending with two final comparison photos, with Big Apple Red shown on the top in all images.

Starting with OPI Big Apple Red swatches:

OPI Big Apple Red swatch
OPI Big Apple Red swatch
OPI Big Apple Red swatch

Next, OPI The Thrill of Brazil swatches:

OPI The Thrill of Brazil swatch
OPI The Thrill of Brazil swatch
OPI The Thrill of Brazil swatch

Now for the final comparison photos:

OPI Big Apple Red formula VS OPI The Thrill of Brazil formula
OPI Big Apple Red swatch VS OPI The Thrill of Brazil swatch

All in all, both Big Apple Red and The Thrill of Brazil have these things in common: 

  • Full even coverage in two coats (shown)

  • Cream finish

  • Available in standard or long wear lacquer formulas

  • Made by OPI

They are different only slightly, and in these ways:

  • Big Apple is a brighter, warmer red, where The Thrill of Brazil is a deeper, bluer, velvety red

  • Big Apple Red is more opaque in coverage, where The Thrill of Brazil is more of a sheer in some lighting scenarios

Looking for a bright warm red? Get OPI Big Apple Red at Ulta

Looking for a velvety blue-red? Get OPI The Thrill of Brazil at Beyond Polish

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