essie marshmallow Swatches

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

Updated 2025.01.31. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Lots of Lacquer and its partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you.

Sheer white nails can be sexy, classic and they go with everything. They look good on every skin tone. They can elongate both the hand and the nail bed.

Today we are going to talk about essie marshmallow, a classic sheer white nail polish.

You can apply sheer polishes like marshmallow streak-free using a few simple tools and techniques - 

  • Mix the polish before application by rolling the bottle in your hands

  • Application with plenty of polish on the brush and with the brush parallel to the nail in feather-soft strokes

  • Do not overwork it

marshmallow #024 is one of the most well known essie shades and it is one of the most compared colors to the OPI classic, Funny Bunny, another sheer white nail polish.

So below you will find swatches of essie marshmallow in two coats and then we’ll compare it to swatches of Funny Bunny in two coats.

Starting with essie marshmallow swatches:

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

Now for essie marshmallow swatches (top) compared to OPI Funny Bunny swatches (bottom):

essie marshmallow VS OPI Funny Bunny

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

essie marshmallow swatch

OPI Funny Bunny swatch

OPI Funny Bunny swatch

OPI Funny Bunny swatch

OPI Funny Bunny swatch

Now that you’ve seen both, let’s look at a final comparison:

essie marshmallow VS OPI Funny Bunny

essie marshmallow VS OPI Funny Bunny

OPI Funny Bunny is a good alternative to essie marshmallow, as these two shades are very similar.

However, essie marshmallow (top) is a little more opaque than OPI Funny Bunny in two coats, offering slightly more coverage, though neither is designed to be full coverage.

This is what makes marshmallow a great stand alone color, it’s a beautiful sheer white nail polish on its own, and a slightly more opaque version than Funny Bunny. 

If you’re already an essie marshmallow fan, and you would like to take the coverage a touch sheerer, OPI Funny Bunny would be the logical next step color to expand your collection.

All in all, if you love the milky nail polish trend, where your nails look like they’ve been dipped in milk, marshmallow is a polish that has a soft, sheer white finish, gentle and feminine. This color will be a fantastic addition to your collection.

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