essie expressie precious cargo-go! Swatches

Olive green nail polish swatch, essie expressie precious cargo-go!

Olive green nail polish swatch, essie expressie precious cargo-go!

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precious cargo-go! comes from the essie expressie line, which is a one-bottle manicure fast drying nail polish line.

Using this line, you do not need a base or top coat. One bottle manicures include base and top coat elements like bonding and shine in the color formula for a Jack-of-All-Trades finish.

What is great about this line is that all you need is one bottle applying two coats of color, give it at least 15-minutes of time to dry and apply, and you have your manicure. 

It dries quickly and because it is finished using only one bottle, you also save time because you’re not fumbling with switching three different bottles between coats.

One thing to know about this olive green nail polish is that it has a high gloss finish. If you like shine, this is a one-bottle fast-dry manicure to consider. 

Let’s look at some swatches of essie expressie precious cargo-go!
Olive green nail polish swatch, essie expressie precious cargo-go!

Olive green nail polish swatch, essie expressie precious cargo-go!

Olive green nail polish swatch, essie expressie precious cargo-go!

Olive green nail polish swatch, essie expressie precious cargo-go!

With this shade, even though you are wearing two coats, and it is opaque, this feels sheer on the nail. It has a very lightweight feeling when dry. 

With some polish you definitely can feel as though you are wearing something. So if you like a more weightless feel to your polishes, this shade has it.

Now let’s discuss the bottle.

Bottling in the nail polish world is important.

You are containing solvents, so the bottle must be glass. Many nail polish enthusiasts and professionals love to have their collection on display for the following reasons:

  • It can be a conversation point for guests

  • It can give the owner personal joy to gaze at the glitters

  • Staring at the array is often how client’s decide between all options

  • Seeing the shades in front of you at eye level makes it easier to choose a shade to match an outfit in the morning

Given the customer often displays their nail polish collection, the bottling of nail polish often has a brand signature. 

Meaning once you learn the brand, the bottle shape is consistent across that brand or across lines within that brand and you can identify it by long-distance sight or feel alone. 

The bottle shape for expressie is unique in that it is thin, rectangular, and tall compared to the regular essie bottles, which are more short cube-shaped squares.

This line’s thin bottles are very easy to hold, especially if you have petite hands and smaller grip, you can really hold this polish line well without worrying about accidental spillage. 

Due to the thin shape of the bottle, the expressie polishes are also compact and easy to carry in a zippered compartment in your bag, if you are traveling while wearing it as the name suggests you may be.

All in all this quick dry, one-bottle olive green polish is pretty, shiny and easy to use.

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Lots of Lacquer

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